• Posted December 11, 2019

Marriage allowance or married couples allowance – What’s the difference?

What is the difference between marriage allowance or married couples allowance? Although these allowances sound similar, the eligibility requirements are quite different. What is Marriage Allowance? Marriage allowance is a tax relief that allows a UK tax payer to transfer 10% of their personal allowance to their spouse or civil partner, in 2019/20 this is […]

  • Posted September 3, 2019

Top Tips for start-up Freelancers

I’m starting to work as a freelancer, how do I deal with my accounts and tax? Whilst becoming your own boss can exciting if can be also be very daunting dealing with the administration and regulations that running a business involves. Regardless of how you choose to structure your business you will need to prepare […]

  • Posted July 18, 2019

What is a payment on account, and do I need to pay it?

If you are self-employed or you receive an income from dividends, property or investments you will need to complete a self-assessment tax return. A self-assessment tax return is prepared annually and must be submitted by 31 January following the end of the tax year (which ends of 5 April). Unlike an employee who pays tax […]

  • Posted February 26, 2019

What tax savings could I make before the end of the year?

With over 40% of self-assessment tax returns expected to be submitted in January 2019, most people are focusing on filing their 2017/18 tax return on time. However, the 31 January also means that there are only 2 months left of the 2018/19 tax year. And with one month to go now, there is still some […]

  • Posted November 14, 2018

What do we need for your tax return?

We are now well and truly in to tax return season.  As a tax advisor, everyone expects January to be my busiest time, but the majority of my clients actually bring their accounts and tax records in between November and December.  This has led me to think about when you are frantically packing a year’s […]

  • Posted October 2, 2018

Do I need to register for Self-Assessment

As the 5 October deadline to register for self-assessment for the 2017/18 tax year rapidly approaching I thought this was the ideal time to give a quick overview of situations where you need to register for self-assessment tax. Some of the common reasons for needing to register for self-assessment are: You have income from self-employment […]

  • Posted January 5, 2018

How To Pay Your Self Assessment Tax Bill

As the 31st January deadline looms, we recommend paying your self assessment tax bill early to avoid missing the deadline due to unforeseen circumstances. The payment amount due for 31st January is available on your tax computation. This is a link to the HM Revenue & Customs website which details the various ways in which […]

  • Posted March 11, 2016

Taxation of Dividends

In the summer Budget, the chancellor George Osborne announced major changes to the current tax legislation which applies to dividend income. From 6 April 2016 there are 4 main changes coming into effect: The 10% dividend tax credit will be abolished. Individuals will have a £5,000 a year tax-free dividend tax allowance. This allowance will […]

  • Posted January 12, 2016

Leaving it to the Last Minute?

Last year 979,526 tax returns were filed on the last two days of filing (30 and 31 January), that is over 10% of the total number of returns submitted online. So why do people leave it right to the last minute? It doesn’t seem logical, how many news stories do you read of HMRC’s portal […]