• Posted March 17, 2023

2023 Spring Budget

On 15 March 2023, Jeremy Hunt announced his Spring Budget 2023, coined as the “budget for growth”, the latest budget aims to deliver long term, sustainable and healthy economic growth in several key areas. We have outlined below a summary of the main areas that will impact our clients. Investment Zones Following the regeneration projects […]

  • Posted February 27, 2023

How Much Money Do I Need to Start a Business?

There are successful entrepreneurs that have started their business with £5 in their bank and an idea, but most businesses need some start up cash – the question is how much do you need to start a business and where to get money to start a business? Starting a business takes a lot of determination, […]

  • Posted February 17, 2023

Why Good Budgeting Creates a More Profitable Business

What is Business Budgeting? A budget is a plan of your business’ spending based on its income and expenses. It helps you to set your financial goals, you can compare your actual performance against the budget to measure your performance. A good budget will summarise your income and spending to predict your profit and help […]

  • Posted November 18, 2022

2022 Autumn Statement

The fourth Chancellor of 2022 (Jeremy Hunt) announced his Autumn Statement, this will be accompanied by a Finance Act and so everything outlined below should be passed into law.  I have prepared a summary of the main issues that will impact our clients, there were other matters that were announced and a full transcript of the […]