• Posted March 17, 2023

2023 Spring Budget

On 15 March 2023, Jeremy Hunt announced his Spring Budget 2023, coined as the “budget for growth”, the latest budget aims to deliver long term, sustainable and healthy economic growth in several key areas. We have outlined below a summary of the main areas that will impact our clients. Investment Zones Following the regeneration projects […]

  • Posted November 18, 2022

2022 Autumn Statement

The fourth Chancellor of 2022 (Jeremy Hunt) announced his Autumn Statement, this will be accompanied by a Finance Act and so everything outlined below should be passed into law.  I have prepared a summary of the main issues that will impact our clients, there were other matters that were announced and a full transcript of the […]

  • Posted September 28, 2022

Mini Budget

On Friday 23 September the new Chancellor presented his mini budget to the House of Commons. Below is an outline of the main points that will affect clients. You should note that there is no Finance Bill accompanying this mini budget, although the legislation for the reduction in the national insurance was introduced into the […]