Posted January 10, 2019
5 New Year’s Resolutions every business should make!!
At this time of year we are all used to making personal resolutions, whether it is to take more exercise, lose weight or even start a business, but have you ever thought about setting a New Years resolution for your business?
I have set out 5 ideas you could consider for your 2019 resolutions.
Create some goals
Bearing in mind 80% of people have failed to keep their New Year’s resolution by February creating goals can be a great way to ensure you keep your resolution. You should look to make your goal as specific as possible and consider the steps you will need to take to achieve your goal.
Save money
Running a business is expensive. Whilst you might be very diligent in checking you are on the best deal for your home insurance, when was the last time you checked our business mobile contract or compared utility companies. This January, why not give your bottom line a boost and see if you could save some money on your business bills?
Make some me time
So many business owners are so busy running their business and meeting their clients demands that don’t take time to just switch off and relax.
With the increase in technology many clients expect you to be available 24/7 and with a smart phone you can even work from the poolside in Florida. This year make sure you take the time to focus on yourself, even if it is just on the train to work.
Harness Technology
The way businesses are being run has changed more dramatically over the past 10 years than I have ever seen before. With the advent of cloud accounting, online organising (outlook/calendars etc), skype and online shopping, using technology within your business is essential just to be able to keep up with the competition.
It is now possible to run a business entirely from a smart phone, from forming a company and setting up a bank account, to managing clients and ordering stationery it can all be done at a click of a button or swipe of a finger using websites such as MachFast.
Change Accountants
So here is my sales pitch, if you want an accountant who speaks to you more than once a year, who will proactively help you grow your business and help you to achieve your goals, switch to us. We appreciate how important having a great accountant is to any business and love to be there every step of the way.
So if you would like us to work with you to help you achieve your businesses New Year’s resolution contact us today.
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